Channel: Spanish and Go
Category: Education
Tags: spanish classspanish in a monthspanish native speakerbasic spanishlearn spanishbeginner spanishspanish alphabetspanish top phrasesreal life spanishspeakinggrammarspanish and gospanish lessonsabecedariospanish verbsvowelsspanish vocabularysounds in spanishpronunciationespanolaprende espanollessonspanish pronunciationspanish vowelsspanish phonologyletters in spanishvowels in spanishspanish grammarlessons
Description: Mastering Spanish vowels is perhaps the most important topic for Spanish beginners. This is essential to pronouncing words in Spanish correctly. Improve your Gringo accent with this one simple video. Just as in English, there are five vowels in Spanish. But unlike English, these sounds rarely change in use. So once you have these five vowel sounds mastered you’ll be able to correctly pronounce virtually any word in Spanish correctly. We’ll cover A, E, I, O, U, in Spanish, and even go over some examples of how to pronounce these vowels when they are right next to each other in different words. 🎁Get our Spanish Phrase Power Pack ebook for free!: 🔴 Subscribe for more free travel and Spanish Tips: ✅Recommended Playlists: More Spanish Lessons: More Travel Tips: 🚨Travel Insurance: 📷Our Gear: We're Jim and May, a gringo/Mexican married couple dedicated to helping you learn Spanish and travel the world with confidence. We teach "real-world travel Spanish" to show you how to navigate the Spanish-speaking world. Learn about places to visit, cultural differences, food, and the traditions that make each country unique. Learn Spanish, travel the world. ¡El camino es el destino! ✅Follow along with us on: ● Our Website: ● Facebook: ● Instagram: ● Twitter: Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, we earn a commission if you make a purchase. We use all the companies listed here and recommend them because they are the best we’ve found to help us during our travels. If you are preparing to go on your own adventures and would like to support us in some way, using these links will help do exactly that. If you have any questions about the companies, please let us know.